when Love takes you to a war zone

So far I've practiced international medicine in Togo, Kenya and the Dominican Republic. In December, I'll be traveling to South Sudan to train teachers on how to provide basic medical care to their students.

The reality is that 6 MILLION children living in the developing world under age 5 die each year, mostly of preventable or easily treatable causes. 

When teachers learn how to provide medical care for common pediatric illnesses and injuries, they're empowered to provide the care these children need. 

By training 100 teachers, we'll impact the lives of 30,000 children!

This trip is the riskiest trip I've taken. It's my first time traveling to an active war zone. But I truly feel called to go to South Sudan because these children's lives are precious and worth saving, even if it means risking my own. 

When you click this link,  you'll find a "registry" of sorts, with a list of the funds and supplies needed. Whether you give $5 or $500, your contribution will make a huge difference in these little lives! 

Also, please feel free to spread the word to your family and friends by sharing the link. 

As I've done during my other trips, I'll be blogging while I'm there, hopefully giving you a glimpse into the lives of the South Sudanese, and showing how your faithful acts of generosity and kindness can save the lives of our brothers and sisters in the developing world. 

Much love,