the art of schlepping in the rain

Yesterday I spent the morning racing around San Francisco in the rain, looking for supplies that I'd ordered and failed to arrive.

I spent the afternoon with two of my housemates taking 20 boxes of supplies and combining boxes and bottles of pills so we could consolidate the supplies to fit as much as possible into the two bags I'm allowed to check to South Sudan.

This morning I woke up while it was still dark outside, and stars were still high in the sky. 

I ordered a Lyft to get to the airport, and a kind driver helped me lift the heavy bags into the trunk of his car.  It was raining when we loaded the car and it was pouring 20 minutes later, when he dropped me off curbside at the airport. 

Even though I travel often -- and far -- this week is a stretch for me.  I'll be flying to Tennessee today to speak at a university, then to Ohio tomorrow afternoon, then to NYC, then to Paris, then to Kenya, where I'll stock up on supplies before entering South Sudan. 

I'd appreciate your thoughts, positive wishes and prayers for safety.  For wisdom.  For strength (the bags of supplies I'm traveling with literally weigh more than I do!)  

And I'd appreciate you thinking of me as I learn to practice love that costs me something.

As I learn to practice compassion until it hurts.

As I learn to perfect the art of schlepping in the rain. 


Many people have asked if it's too late to donate towards the trip.  No, it's not too late! You can donate here, and your donation will go toward extra supplies I'm picking up in Kenya, and to teachers' lodging and food during the 3-day training. 




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